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My new laptop came yesterday, and what was the first thing I did on it? DOWNLOAD DIE HARD 4.0, THAT'S WHAT! I officially have no life and am a loser. I am going to have a quiet weekend so I can save up to go to NYC in a month or so, although the exchange rate is ruining my plan to spend it up, gossip-girl style. Anyone have any exciting plans? Source: Agyness Deyn by Matt Irwin
I had a little one-woman debate in my mind today about whose SS09 collection I would like to get my grubby little hands on the most (main condenders: Alexander Wang, Balmain, Christopher Kane...result: inconclusive!) which then led me to ponder what collection I would realistically get the most wear out of if it happenned to all be delivered to my door tomorrow. And the result? Conveniently it was Topshop Unique (convenient in price comparison to Balmain, that is). I think most of us can confess to a love affair with eighties denim right now, and I am always a fan of a well-cut sexy suit (shoulder pads left in the eighties, thank you). I am sure you have all seen the collection already, but I am always happy to champion Topshop's design efforts because there isn't another UK store that I believe is even close to them in terms of styling and designer collaborations. Right now I am eagerly waiting for their SS09 collections to hit down in store or online so I can buy myself some decent clothes - I swear I have worn the same 2 t shirts and jeans/leggings out for the past 3 months now! I have turned into a right dirtbag.
Alecca Rox tagged me to show the 4th pic on the 4th page of my photo album, so here it is.Alice Dellal looking scary/foxy...I was kind of hoping for a weird one with an interesting story behind it but alas it was not to be. A couple of pages back however and you may have got a picture of a naked fat man wearing a white beard and santa hat, which I sent out as a Christmas greeting. Eek!Source: Sunday Times Magazine November 2008 / tFS
If any of you guys in Paris are about on 30th and 31st January then you should go check out my housemate's band Maths Class. They are playing an Entrisme Magazine secret gig on the Friday and then at Fleche d'Or on the Saturday (here is their myspace) so if you are in town you should head their way for party time. I was going to jump on the train to Paris too if I was beng made redundant, but alas my employer has decided to keep me because I am such an AMAZING WORKER! Therefore, no sweet redundancy money to have french fun with. Boo.
I have been tagged by Electric Feel to make a post about women I admire. This is a pretty cool tag because there is one particular woman I had recently been thinking about doing a post on and so I take it as fate that I have this opportunity. And that woman is the photographer Lee Miller.Lee Miller was a model in 1920s New York but moved to Paris to pursue her dream of becoming a photographer, and subsequently became the muse of and apprentice to surrealist photographer Man Ray. Miller went on to become a seminal photojournalist, working during WW2 for publications such as Vogue and Life amongst the horrors of the battlefield, and after this carried on working as a fashion photographer. Miller also had a chequered personal life - at 7 years old she was raped by a friend of the family and subsequently contracred gonorrhea, for which she suffered long periods of draconian, painful treatments. She had a bizarre relationship with her father, who would frequently photograph her in nude shots as a young woman, and later in life suffered from severe clinical depression. Bizarrely again, Miller's son had no idea as to the kind of life his mother had led until she died in 1977. On clearing out her attic, he came across boxes and boxes of negatives and prints from her time at war and subsequently published a biography of her life with many unseen images included.Probably one of the saddest stories I have ever heard about Miller's life was when she was leaving the USA for Paris on a ship and her lover, a pilot, flew over and scattered the ship's deck with red roses, but on his journey back to base his plane crashed and he tragically died.Miller had the most bizarre, interesting, couageous and well-lived life of any woman I have ever heard of, let alone a woman born over 100 years ago. You might want to read some more about her exploits here if you are as inspired as I am by Miller :)Phew that was a long post!
Where did the weekend go?!Source: Jalouse Dec 2008/Jan 2009
I hope you all have a nice weekend! Tonight I am going to a leaving party for two of my best friends, who are going to live in NYC for a few months. I am sickeningly jealous!Source: Cobrasnake

Mickey Green...Source: Numero 21 / tFS
I'm sure I am not the only one who is WELL EXCITED about Topshop's SS09 lookbook. Although I can't help but feel that their production quality has diminished slightly over the last year or two, the designing and styling is better than ever and I know I am going to be watching their website obsessively for the first drops of tight acid wash jeans, denim shirts, Rodarte style knits and studded everything.
So I am pretty much killing two birds with one stone in this post - and those beautiful birds are 'Masculine suiting' and 'Sara Blomqvist'! I was checking out Pony Ryder's blog today and read her interview with Sara, which then lead me to obsessively hawk through Fashion Spot for pics of her. I love how her delicate, elfin face is complemented by all this masculine tailoring. She is totally bewitching.Clockwise from top left, these are her SS09 walks for Pollini, Peter Jensen, YSL and Armand Basi. My favourite: Peter Jensen's men's shirt and bare legs - so sexy.I also can't help buy posting this image of Sara in my most coveted dress of SS09 - Christopher Kane's black, scalloped long sleeved creation.
Source: Fashion Spot
Found these shots on Elle's online streetstyle section. The girl in the top right corner is only 15! When I was 15 I wore a dirty hoody, baggy jeans and flourescent jewellery. NOT COOL. Actually I also had a bag shaped like R2D2 from Star Wars, that was pretty cool.Source:
I had to pinch this image from Knight Cat's blog as I really love Chloe Sevigny and I think she looks pretty fine in this pic. I like how she mixes grunge with preppiness and never looks overstyled or uncomfortable. IN OTHER NEWS, in an attempt to beat the credit crunch and do something I enjoy more than sitting at my desk moaning about my employer, my housemate and I will be opening an ebay store soon! I will get it linked here once its up and running but expect lots of flirty fifties and eighties dresses, cool vintage band t-shirts and studded denim. I am excited!
Katy Perry is so clearly styled but I like her cute fifties outfits anyway. It is all very girly though - I find it hard to wear cute feminine clothes as I don't think they reflect my personality that well (eek! I am a man!). My housemate is the total opposite though, she has lots of sweet dresses with peter pan collars and polka dots, and I often have this weird desire to dress her up like a little doll. Actually that sounds a bit creepy...!Source: Dazed & Confused
Ever since I saw Louise Goldin's crystal-adorned mesh bodysuit on Courtney Love in last month's Elle, I can't stop thinking about how much I want one, but how bad one would look on me. This Alexander McQueen one is so HOT but I don't see any hope for me in trying to replicate this look...the world isn't ready for my lumps and bumps yet!If you haven't already seen my original post with Courtney in the Goldin suit, see the below pic!
Source: UK Elle February 2009 / UK Elle January 2009
This is a pretty awesome t shirt.
Hope you guys had an excellent weekend...yesterday I think I actually had the best beef roast ever made! It was ina local pub, and it had home-made yorkshires, really beefy gravy, mustard leeks, red cabbage, cheesy broccoli, carrots and some well crispy roast potatoes. Om nom nom I am practically dribbling!
I also read a hilarous interview with Peaches Geldof in the Observer Woman magazine over the weekend, which I would like to share with you here as she appears to be cropping up more and more on Cobrasnake and Skullset. I recommend that you read it - her precocious bad attitude and lack of understanding of the workings of journalism are sure to make you laugh!
Source: Cobrasnake
Happy friday, I hope you have lovely weekends :) I hope it warms up a bit here, I have the chilly willies constantly!
Source: Fashion Spot