Well well well, its May today. Scary stuff, this year is flying by. Word on the street is Britain will have a sunny summer, for the first time in about 4 years. I am excirted about this as it should coincide as my long-awaited move back to London-town. Where the streets are paved with gold! And litter/crap.
Have a good bank holiday weekend, let me know if you get up to anything exciting...I shall be eating sushi and reading economics books!
Source: Cobrasnake
Ahhh it's about time, I haven't got a holiday planned yet. London will be great, it's not far from Brighton so you can plan spontaneous beach trips.
Dude school = death of social life/fun
I know.
I just finished for the year.
Have a fun weekend!
I love this photo. London in a maxi and gladiators with warm sunshine is what I'm looking forward to! Have a wonderful bank holiday xoxo
great your getting some sun! naww i hope you dont get the pig flu.. wow that shit is world wide. .
am ok just trying to finish school fast! i want to get out of here already! =]
hehe..litter and crap!
Love sunny weather, and london, and may, but I as well think that this year is passing by very fast.
i love them! =D
I've spent the weekend with my economics and marketing books...I wish I could be doing what Tellulah does!! Need some vacation (specially summer holidays)!!!
omg London , one day i would be able to go there.
is it really awesome like the movie show??
i so envy people that live there, but envy in a good way.
love your blog!
What's the name of the brunette girl?
Beautiful photo!
I spent that Bank Holiday in London, too. Best time of my life EVER. Itching to go back.
You have a really cool blog, why aren't you posting anymore?
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